Beginner Guide

Instagram Creator Account: Everything you need to know

If you’re an Instagram creator and you’re still using your personal account to share content, you might be missing out on some of the best features that come with an Instagram creator account.

In this post, we will discuss what are Instagram creator accounts, who can use them, and the differences and similarities between creator, business, and personal accounts.

What is a creator account on Instagram?

Instagram creator accounts are public, professional accounts exclusively for content creators who make their living through creating and sharing content online. This includes, but is not limited to, photographers, videographers, models, artists and influencers.

With the rise of a producer economy, it is important to have an account that reflects who you are and what you have to offer.

If you use Instagram to share your creativity and build a following around your work, an Instagram creator account (rather than a public personal account) may be right for you.

An Instagram Producer profile image of photographer and director Justin Bateman.
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Features of Instagram Creator Account

Instagram creator accounts give you access to tools that personal accounts and even business accounts don’t have access to.

Instagram creator account has access to:

  • a professional dashboard and Growth Insights where you can track deeper metrics about your followers and the reach of your posts. This includes what actions people take after viewing your content and impressions over a specified period of time. You can also view daily follow and unfollow data to track how your content is affecting follower growth.
  • a secondary inbox Where you can organize your messages and control the notifications you receive. You can filter messages by primary, general and request inbox.
  • category label, such as influencers, bloggers, public figures, artists. This is an optional feature for your Instagram creator account bio.

Instagram Creator vs Business Account

If you’ve been using Instagram for business purposes, you may be wondering if a creator account is right for you.

generally, instagram creator account Best suited for influencers, content creators, public figures, photographers, and artists (again, just to name a few).

If you’re focused on building a personal brand, and you don’t sell products directly or use advanced analytics, an Instagram creator account may be best for you.

If you are running a retail business, brand, public service, or other business organization, instagram business account would be a better fit.

Instagram business accounts can also use third-party apps like Sprout Social to create and schedule content. Keep this in mind when creating a high volume of content or if you want to plan your content calendar in advance.

An Instagram business account will give you access to features such as a contact button, Instagram Insights and the ability to run ads. You’ll also be able to see audience insights on organic traffic, ad attribution, and conversions.

Screenshot example of an Instagram Insights overview within the app for Instagram business accounts.
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Remember, as long as you export your insights data, you can switch between creator and business accounts without losing your data and insights. Don’t be afraid to test both types of accounts to see which one works best for you.

how to create a creator account on instagram

Wondering how to switch to a creator account on Instagram? follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page and click three lines in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Adjustment,
  3. to select account,
  4. scroll down and click Switch to a Professional Accountthen press creator,
  5. If you already have a business account, just select Switch to Creator Account,
  6. Choose a category that best describes your brand.
  7. Join your Facebook page, if applicable.
  8. Add or review contact information and choose whether to display this information on your profile.

you’re all set!

Screenshot image of asking Instagram app settings "Are you a manufacturer?" With two options at the bottom: Manufacturer or Business.  one is blue "next" button at the bottom of the screenshot.
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how to close creator account on instagram

To convert back to a business or personal profile, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page and click three lines in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Adjustment,
  3. to select account,
  4. Click switch to a personal account (either, switch to business account,
  5. Confirm switch.
Screenshot of Instagram app account settings with two options at the bottom of the screen: Switch to personal account or Switch to business account.
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Keep in mind that every time you switch between personal and professional profiles, Instagram will delete your Insights data. Be sure to export your Insights data before making the switch, so you don’t lose it.

What are the benefits of an Instagram creator account?

Instagram creator accounts come with new features and benefits as compared to personal accounts. Here are some of the benefits of using an Instagram creator account.

1. Schedule Instagram Posts

At this time, you cannot connect your Creator account to any third-party scheduling app. However, you can schedule Instagram posts using Creator Studio.

To schedule a post from Creator Studio:

  • click on green create post button in the top left corner of your Creator Studio dashboard.
  • Upload your content, write your caption, tag other accounts or include any other information you want.
  • When you’re ready to publish, press the drop-down arrow next to To publish in the lower right corner.
Screenshot of the Facebook Creator Studio dashboard and pop-up window of the compose screen for creating and scheduling Instagram posts.
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2. Create Purchasable Posts

Instagram creators selling or recommending products can create shoppable posts. As a product sharing manufacturer, upload a picture of the product and tag it with the brand account and if possible the specific product. When a follower clicks on your tag, they’ll be taken to a product detail page, where they can find out more or make a purchase on Instagram.

However, the brand you’re working with must give you access to their product catalog in order to tag the item. Take a look at how influencer StyleFine tags Lulu’s Instagram account and the specific outfit she wears, leading users to a shoppable Instagram post.

3. Filter messages to individual inboxes

The DM inbox for Instagram creator accounts will look a little different from the inbox for your standard personal or business account. You’ll see new filtering options that allow you to quickly find the types of messages you’re looking for.

For example, you can filter by:

  • primary dm – Contains information
  • general dm – Does not include information
  • request to dm – Doesn’t include notifications because these are messages from people you don’t follow

Inbox filtering also makes it easier to respond to multiple conversations Saved answer Tools, so you can answer common questions quickly.

4. Use Paid Partnership Tags

With more eyes on ethical influencer marketing than ever before, it’s important to disclose your paid involvement. With an Instagram creator account, you can tag paid partners in posts and stories so your audience knows when you’re collaborating with a brand. The partner brand will also be able to see your insights on that post, which improves campaign communication.

Screenshot of an Instagram post labeled "Payment partnership with..." And the brand's Instagram account got linked.
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5. Try Different CTA Options

Instagram creator accounts have fewer call to action (CTA) options than business accounts. While you can add a button encouraging people book now either reserveYou cannot offer other options like learn more either buy now,

If you use CTAs frequently to drive traffic, an Instagram creator account might not be the best option for you.

Expand your Instagram marketing strategy

Whether you are a content creator or a social media marketer, it is important to know about marketing on Instagram.

However, for influencers or individuals using an Instagram creator account, think about what is important to increase your presence and engage your followers. To inspire your efforts, we’ve put together 10 lessons from Instagram influencers that can help guide your own creator strategy.

The post Instagram creator account: Everything You Need to Know first appeared on Sprout Social.

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