Beginner Guide

How to find, protect and keep top talent with social media – with Wise

for the first time in history, There are more job vacancies in the UK than unemployed people, With the younger generation now making up a significant proportion of the working population, it is clear that you need a fresh approach to retain and attract top talent. No longer tempted by fancy titles or free beer on Fridays, top talent now becomes value-driven.

almost 9 out of 10 people take the company’s reputation into consideration before joining. Employer Branding is now more important than ever, yet many brands are getting it wrong on social media.

In this masterclass, Alex Ayin and Glen Scott from multi-award winning agency Wiser will explore how to effectively use social media to improve your brand, build reputation and reach new networks using employee advocacy. Can do.

you will learn:

  • How to Attract the Best Outside Talent for Your Business Through Social Media
  • How to bring your employer brand to life online
  • How to Use Social Listening to Find Great User-Generated Content
  • How to Train Your Employees to Be Your Greatest Advocates

How to Find, Protect & Keep Top Talent with Social Media – The With Wiser post first appeared on Sprout Social.

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