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5 AI Tools Every Content Marketing Pro Should Be Using Today

5 AI Tools Every Content Marketing Pro Should Have Today in Duct Tape Marketing Written by Editor Read more

The global market value of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the marketing world is projected to reach over half a trillion dollars by 2024.

There is an AI tool for almost any marketing need, and the figures above prove that these tools will continue to grow and evolve to provide even more value to marketers and small business owners.

Using AI tools is just one way to help you optimize your content marketing workflow. Check out the tools shared here, and see what value they can bring to the table, as you create your next content.

The more tools you plug into your workflow, the easier it will be to create great content and deliver it on time.

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What are AI Marketing Tools?

AI marketing tools are platforms or systems that mimic human intelligence and help marketers improve efficiency, accuracy, and automate parts of their job. There are many AI marketing tools on the market right now, and chances are, you are probably already using some of them.

Benefits of Using AI Tools for Marketing

Marketing for a small business with an AI marketing tool can take a lot of work. They are often scalable according to the size of your business, and are fairly easy to use. They also reduce the amount of manual work required, which means less human error and greater efficiency.

The best part is that AI marketing tools can cover every area of ​​your small business marketing. As you will see in this article, there are AI tools for copywriting, design, social media, SEO content creation, decks and more.

Honestly, the biggest pain in using AI marketing tools for your business can be deciding the best one to use.

Here are our 5 AI tools that every marketer can use and should probably start with today. Check them out and see what works for your business:

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    Suryakant Mani

1. RightSonic

Screenshot of Rightsonic's instant AI writing features
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A market leader, RightSonic provides marketers with the opportunity to use AI to create any type of written content. It’s got you covered, from creating SEO-optimized long-form posts to sales emails, Q&As, essays, product descriptions, reports, and even eBooks.

For blogs and SEO articles, just enter a keyword or topic, and it will give you an AI-based option for your title, introduction, outline, and finally a well-written post in minutes.

RightSonic has a cloud-native, AI-powered system, provides full ownership of the AI-generated copy in your account, and integrates seamlessly with SEMrush, WordPress, and other general marketing programs.

We use this tool in duct tape marketing, and it’s time-consuming to do topic research, creating engaging long-form content, doing FAQ and Q&A pages, optimizing our SEO, and creating ad variations. Has been a great help to us in the works.

If you struggle to create written content but want to brighten up your online presence without spending much effort and time, RightSonic can be helpful. With their generous 2,500 word free trial, it can help you create tons of relevant content in no time.

Try RightSonic

Disclosure that DTM is a Rightsonic affiliate: Disclosure: Duct Tape Marketing is a Rightsonic affiliate and may receive commission for purchases made through the link in this post. Duct Tape Marketing will never endorse products or services that it has not tested or uses.

2. Recently

Screenshot of Let's Platform for Social Media AI Marketing Tool
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If you want your social media content to be created and tested efficiently, Lately is the perfect solution.

It employs a combination of your social media analytics, millions of data points from your own archive, and crowd testing to create organic social media content that your audience will love.

This allows your social media team to focus on strategy, growth, or spend more time creating a better end-to-end experience for your customers online.

Try their 7-day free trial to create posts that your followers will like and share.

3. Photosonic

AI Marketing Tools Image Generator
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Need some inspiration for new creative designs, concepts or projects? PhotoSonic lets you create realistic or artistic graphics from text details using text-to-image AI models. Just type in a few keywords and the software will create a number of relevant images for you to choose from.

This AI marketing tool lets you modify existing images with text and filters, create any type of images and customize them with a variety of features and details within seconds.

Photosonic offers a 15-credit free trial to help you get an idea of ​​how AI Image Generators can boost your marketing.

Suryakant Mani

Example of a Jasper AI tool writing a podcast description
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With all its combined features, Jasper is an effective AI marketing tool that can help marketing teams break down creative blocks to create amazing, authentic content faster.

Jasper has a Chrome extension that lets you create content directly on social media platforms. It also helps marketers write viral YouTube and TikTok video scripts, craft LinkedIn articles, Instagram captions, website copy, and emails.

Jasper and RightSonic are built on the same AI technology, both have good customer support and can help marketing teams create content more efficiently. However, Jasper does not offer a free plan and is more focused on writing short-form content like ads and product descriptions.

5. Grammar

Example of how a Grammarly AI system works
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If you create written content, you need to check grammar. This AI tool helps writers correct grammar, spelling and tone mistakes. Grammarly also offers a Chrome extension and integrates easily with commonly used tools such as Slack, Gmail, Google Docs, WordPress, CRM, and more.

Grammarly’s AI system processes natural human language, a component of AI that includes teaching machines to understand human language. This method allows Grammarly to perform sentiment analysis, score your writing, make styling decisions, and more.

There is a free version that corrects spelling, grammar and vocal mistakes in your writing.

How to start using AI marketing tools for your business

Choosing the right AI marketing tool can often be overwhelming. There are often a lot of services and each has its own unique characteristics.

To familiarize yourself with the process and find the best AI tools for your business, think about these 3 simple tips;

  1. No one knows your business more than you do, so really think about where AI tools can benefit your workflow. Is your content creation process slow? Are you frustrated with your social media efforts? Identifying your needs will help you target the right AI tools for your marketing.
  2. Test out all the AI ​​tools you’re considering. Most of the above offer free trials, so take advantage of these. Make sure you love using them, and that they will be as easy to implement as possible.
  3. Does the tool save time and speed up development? If you do your research and test the product, you will know whether it helps you or not. Don’t add too many tools and keep it simple.

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Hope you got some new information about AI marketing tools, benefits of AI tools for marketing, and how to choose the right one.

Now, you are ready to get out there and find the right tool for your business.

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