Beginner Guide

5 ways to start using AI in your marketing today

5 Ways to Start Using AI in Your Marketing TODAY Editor Read more on Duct Tape Marketing

AI is the future of marketing.

According to a study by Quantcast and Forbes, AI helps marketers to increase sales, increase customer retention and succeed in new product launches.

This post will provide you with practical and useful examples to understand a little more about AI and how it can help your marketing team to do all this and more.

What is AI?

The simplest way to think of AI is to think of it as a tool or system that has the ability to learn and make predictions. It can sense what we want, or it can learn from our mistakes, and then predict what we want next time.

AI is all around us. Every time we ask Siri something, it learns and gets a better understanding of what we’re asking, who we are and what we want to know.

Whenever we ask for directions on Google Maps, AI processes and learns what is happening around us through traffic patterns and how cars are moving.

Siri, Google Maps and Grammarly.  The three most common tools based on AI
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There are some AI tools that use existing data to create new content. Article writers, for example, can create original content because they scan and take in all the information available on the Internet.

There is also AI that uses trial and error. AI-powered chess computer that gets better and better and eventually outperforms everyone, learns from what the opponent did, and processes all the information to get better results.

What all these tools have in common is that they take in information, learn from it, and can make informed decisions about the future on their own.

AI and Content Marketing

Content has become an important part of digital marketing in recent years. In fact, content is now the primary focus for most marketing teams.

The problem is that creating long-form content, on-page SEO and social media posts can be extremely time consuming. Even more challenging is coming up with ideas that your audience will find interesting and engaging.

AI tools are making it easier for marketers to streamline their content creation processes. From generating ideas to choosing images for your blog posts, AI implementation moves work to a place where it can be done effectively, even with the smallest of teams.

Is AI going to make us obsolete as marketers?

AI is not going to make agencies, marketers or business owners obsolete, but it is going to make us more efficient. This becomes a competitive advantage if an agency can produce 10 times more content than before.

However, the AI ​​isn’t going to process emotions, isn’t going to be able to process an opportunity, isn’t going to have a gut feeling or understand the relationships that it can lean on, and it’s not going to take strategic thinking. Ain’t gonna change.

5 practical ways to use AI in your marketing today

Use AI for your lengthy content

Example of a framework used by AI marketing tools to create long form content
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Long-form content has become one of the most difficult things for small marketing teams or small agencies to produce because it is so time-consuming and yet it is so essential to the end users and educational approach that we have today.

Here are some of the ways using RightSonic — an AI tool we use frequently — to help create better long-form content:

  • You can use RightSonic to help you create a fully customized blog framework. AI content tools do this by scanning the Internet and choosing content based on what people are searching for online. This allows you to easily fill the rest.
  • Rightsonic has long used AI to make content more engaging, relevant and engaging to readers. This can reduce the bounce rate of your blog and increase your overall visibility online.
  • Connect RightSonic with SEO tools like SEMrush to optimize your long-form content for your target keywords and audience.
  • If you’re creating content for new clients, RightSonic can save you a lot of time by completing the initial background research for you.

Spend more time creating a great experience for your leads and beat your competition

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Disclosure: Duct Tape Marketing is a RightSonic affiliate and may receive commission for purchases made through the link in this post. Duct Tape Marketing will never endorse products or services that it has not tested or uses.

AI for Metadata and SEO

Good SEO practice is a necessary process that takes time and effort. However, much of this can be repetitive and time-consuming. Tasks like creating SEO-optimized titles, creating the right meta tags, or keyword research can now be easily automated with AI.

How AI Tools Can Give Better Results for SEO?

seo.  Screenshots of the features of Writesonic for
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Doing keyword research manually is time consuming. AI tools help you streamline this process by crawling relevant content on the Internet and then giving you questions, keywords, and information that people are searching for in Google, so you can create more valuable blog posts or pages.

AI tools like Rightsonic can help you write engaging and customized titles and meta descriptions in seconds by just typing in a topic overview. This is a great way to save time and free up your marketing team to focus on more innovative and strategic tasks.

Q&A is another essential feature that can enhance your SEO results. Today’s AI tools allow you to easily create highly relevant Q&A content that you can use on Quora, Reddit forums or relevant Facebook groups.

copy and add variations

Google Ads now gives you the ability to create up to 15 headlines for your search ads. It takes time and brain cycles to write those ads.

AI tools can automatically generate these variations for you in a format that Google, YouTube or any other platform will understand. Ad copy will also be automatically optimized for higher click-through rates based on past campaign performances.

Additionally, the AI ​​recognizes that people write differently on LinkedIn than on Facebook, so you can customize the tone depending on the platform.

Examples of AI Written Copy for Facebook Ads
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Below is another example of using Google headlines. Some of them are great, and some might not hit the mark, but it gives you a quick sample of things to start working on.

By having 10 different ad copies to test, you fall short and find a winner. This makes the creation of ad variations very fast and efficient.

Example of a copy of Google ads written by AI in Rightsonic
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social media content

Brands need to create and publish content on many different platforms every day.

One of my favorite ways to build social media content is to break down a large piece of content into multiple pieces. So, you can take an article you’ve already written, put it in your AI tool, select a social media platform and the tool can generate weeks’ worth of posts from a piece of that content.

AI tools can also generate content ideas, hooks and captions with just one topic or a few keywords.

Screenshot of the benefits AI provides for social media content creation
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Some AI tools can even create entire posts for you, giving you Instagram captions, descriptions for your YouTube videos, titles, script hooks for TikTok, and more.

content repurposing

Content repurposing has become a big topic. Consistently fresh content can be a powerful way to impact your SEO without writing new content. AI tools can easily accomplish this task in seconds.

AI can also help you shorten the content. For example, if you have a blog post that people like, but you need to shorten it to repost on LinkedIn, AI can do that.

Get started using AI tools to help you create great content, and save you time and money

start your Free Trial

AI tools are great for finding easy ways to get more content and boost your SEO. Use these powerful tools today with some editing and styling to boost your results in marketing.

It’s not a ‘cut and paste’ solution, but it gets you closer to an optimal result.

Now that you know this, it’s time to identify some aspects where you can improve your marketing efforts using AI today.

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