Beginner Guide

5 Important On-Page SEO Factors That Affect Your Ranking

5 Important On-Page SEO Factors That Affect Your Ranking Read more on Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch

Having high visibility in a search engine’s organic results is critical to the online success of your business.

People use search engines to find solutions to their problems. And if your product or service isn’t clearly ranking in search as the solution to their problem, that’s a huge missed opportunity for your business.

So what can you do to improve your ranking and where do you start?

Start by focusing on optimizing your on-page SEO. On-page SEO is one of the most important processes that you can use to systematically achieve higher rankings and start appearing in front of your target audience.

Because the search landscape is constantly changing and evolving, it is imperative that you make sure your on-page SEO knowledge is up to date. Here are five important on-page SEO factors every business should be thinking about.

1. Ingredients

Pay attention to your H1 headings and H2 subheadings

You need to use H1 and H2 tags. These help Google understand the structure of your page. Your headline should become an H1 heading. Your sub-points should be H2 headings, and bullet points can help organize the information within each sub-point.

While this strategy of organizing content makes it easier for readers to skim and settle on the information they’re looking for, it also helps Google better understand your content.

Use your target keywords at the beginning of your pages

An old school on-page SEO strategy that still works today is to use your target keyword in the first 100 words of your article or page. Google places more emphasis on words that appear early on your page—this helps Google understand what your page is about.

2. Page Speed

Slow pages don’t play. Page speed has been consistently cited as one of the key SEO ranking factors over the years. Slow loading sites provide a poor user experience. Search engines prefer sites that are going to show users the answers to their searches as quickly as possible.

You can increase your site speed by reducing the number of redirects, compressing files, implementing website caching, reducing your page size, removing third party scripts, and many other steps that speed up load times. can improve.

3. Mobile Friendly

Today, we live in a mobile-first world. More people use mobile devices than desktops to browse the web. And because of that, Google has made it clear that your pages must be mobile-friendly.

Google has a mobile-first index. On pages where the content is not easily accessible to users on mobile, it is unlikely that you are going to rank high in search results.

Google takes into account the user experience when they visit your site. Your site needs:

  • Be responsive and automatically resize to fit whatever device your visitors are using
  • Use large fonts to increase readability on small screens
  • Ease of navigation—that means having an accessible menu

If you have any doubts whether your site is mobile friendly or not, you can use Google Mobile Friendly Testing Tools To see how your site stacks up.

4. Domain Name, Extension and URL

Your URL helps Google understand what your page is about. And having the right kind of URLs can improve your organic CTR.


Using the right type of URL is important—every URL on your website should be short, sweet, and keyword-rich. This should be a URL that Google’s bots can easily access and crawl. But here’s the point: keep things simple. Keep URLs as short as possible, write them in plain English, avoiding sequences of numbers or letters that only mean something to your team, and use relevant keywords tastefully—don’t just put keywords in there.

domain name and extension

Domain names and extensions impact SEO—however, attitudes have changed over the years. The major factor which leads to website ranking is hosting valuable content and getting valuable backlinks from authoritative sources. But when you add a keyword-rich domain name and relevant domain extension, it’s icing on the cake.

Let’s take a look at this example.

say we have website a with domain name and extension And website b with domain name and extension, Both can rank like each other. However, the latter will gain more trust and help the business get more on-topic backlinks for the keyword search ‘london plywood store’.

Your domain extension is an opportunity to describe what you do—coming up with your own domain name gives you the opportunity to be uniquely relevant to your business, and you can be creative while boosting your SEO rankings.

Consider choosing a domain name based on the type of business you have. Here are a few ideas:

  • If you are into technology or IT, you can go with .TECH
  • If you are into retail or eCommerce, .STORE can be a good option
  • If you’re a journalist or publisher, try .PRESS
  • If you are building your personal brand, you can use .ONLINE

5. Internal and External Links

The web is built on links – so links are an important SEO ranking signal. A well optimized page will include both internal and external links.

internal link

Including internal links to other pages with relevant content can help Google better understand how all of your content is related. When you include internal links, make sure the anchor text contains keywords. This can increase your ranking with the search engines.

external links

Some people hesitate to include external links for fear that doing so will drive traffic away. It’s not like this. You want to show that you are creating quality content for your website visitors. When you link to other relevant, authoritative sites in your niche, it creates a better user experience and is good for SEO.

If you have a business with an online presence, on-page SEO needs to be focused on to compete and stay relevant in search today. Thinking about SEO individually on each page rather than collectively as a whole gives you the greatest chance to stand out in the SERPs across multiple pages.


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