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How Sprout Social helps parents of neurodiverse kids connect and learn

goalkeeperBased in Denver, Colorado, offers an app and electronic equipment that uses medically-approved methods to gradually teach neurodiverse children how to complete basic tasks in collaboration with their parents and other caregivers. Let’s do.

“Goli helps make life easier for families with neurodiverse individuals,” said Kailyn Brooks, digital marketing specialist at Goli. “We help parents focus more on the fun things they can do with their kids, like goodnight kisses and playing outside, instead of nagging them through routine activities.”

Turns to Goally to better understand the complex needs of parents with neurodiverse children Sprout Social To help extract actionable insights from social interactions across various channels including TikTok. they are using sprouts hearing aids Since the beginning of 2022, and the insights gained so far are helping the company develop its social media strategy. Sprout has empowered Goally to build brand awareness and engage more effectively with its primary target audience: parents.


There’s No Party Like a Goalie Party 🙈 Anyone else seeing progress with their kid? Share some hope👇 #skiptothegoodpart #talker #specialneedsmom #autism

♬ The Good Part – AJR

Sprout’s listening tools confirm the company’s vision and help answer tough questions

Social listening is essential to helping Goally confirm that it is providing technology that is truly helpful. “We are a social impact company, and we care deeply about making life easier for neurodiverse families,” Brooks said. “That’s why, we listen to what people need, and we pride ourselves on building products and implementing features based on what we hear from our customers. We don’t always get things right in the beginning, but we learn how to fix it. We chase what we have, and we just listen.

Using Sprout for social listening helped Brooks surface a common need of parents raising neurodiverse children: They want to see their children become independent.

“That learning really validated our vision as a company,” Brooks said. “We know the problem we’re pursuing is real, and we’re providing a solution — a really good one too. Education is often lacking in the world of neurodiversity, and people don’t know that Where to get information. Social media channels like TikTok provide a unique and accessible way for people to ask authentic questions and get answers.”

Using Sprout is worth your time, energy and investment as it is one of the most useful tools for building a community. Sprout validates social media strategy like no other tool I’ve found.

kellyn brooks

digital marketing specialist

Sprout helps goalies connect with influencers and drive conversions

Brooks said that while Facebook is important for conversation, Instagram is valuable for how-to information TIC Toc Goally is the “go-to place” for viewers to learn how the company’s technology works.

“TikTok is a place to share authentic stories and build trust,” Brooks said. “When they come on TikTok, they don’t want to see dancing,” she said. “They want to see a mom sharing a story about her tough experience that day or what a therapist said really helped her child. That’s authentic vlogging that can’t be found anywhere else.

TikTok is also a place to build valuable relationships with Creators and Influencers. Through Sprout, Goally has identified relevant influencers who are driving brand awareness and raising Goally’s profile on TikTok. Without using Sprout, Brooks would not have found a niche influencer who helped connect her with other key influencers. “Social influences are important in helping us with our conversions,” Brooks said. “The last two times we’ve done a big Influencer push on TikTok, we’ve seen the number of users with intent on our website increase by about 4%.”

According to Brooks, Goally saw its branded search rate increase by 58% during its social influencer push in August 2022 — compared to January 2022, when the company first started using Sprout. “Our subscriptions also increased by 89% in the month of August when we were using TikTok and Instagram influencer campaigns,” Brooks said.


Let’s 👏 Normal 👏 AAC! It is a language our world deserves to understand. #aac #autism #spoken #specialneedsawareness

♬ original sound – Golki

Goaly has been using Sprout to track follower trends, which has helped them confirm that TikTok is the place they need to be active. “From April 2022, we are consistently growing 254% month on month, every month. As of December, we have over 3,000 followers,” Brooks said. “It’s very small compared to most companies, but it’s a really big deal for us.”

Goally’s followers on TikTok have grown exponentially since we started using Sprout. It’s given us a reason to stay on TikTok – because we’re finding that there are people incredibly interested in what we’re posting there, and they’re really quick to hit ‘follow’.

kellyn brooks

digital marketing specialist

Sprout’s Smart Inbox enables personalized customer service and engagement

Germinated smart inbox Goaly’s has been especially valuable for keeping audience engagement on top.

If someone commented on a TikTok we posted two months back, I could have easily missed it if I didn’t have Sprouts Smart Inbox. This helps us make sure people feel like they are being heard. With Sprout, I can be sure that every single person who comments on our posts, whether new or old, is answered and taken care of quickly and easily.

kellyn brooks

digital marketing specialist

Sprout helps Brooks reduce the time he spends answering questions and chasing up comments on different platforms – leaving him more time for campaign planning and data collection. Brooks said, “I estimate that my productivity has increased by at least 50% since I started using Sprouts Smart Inbox.

As far as measurement and reporting go, Goally uses Sprout to track engagement rates and impressions, both organic and paid. Much of this data is tracked monthly, but Brooks and his team run reports more frequently to determine the effectiveness of a particular campaign or test new ideas.


HalloweenWeekend Done Right 👻 We love our local Denver neurodiverse families! Do you think Skip Town needs an event like this next year 👇 #sensoryactivities #autismacceptance #autismparents #neurodivergent #audhdtok #allthethingsshesaid

♬ original sound – Golki

Make real connections with your community

Brooks used Sprouts listening tools to align Goal’s product development with the needs of their target audience, build impactful partnerships, and improve community engagement.

Learn how Sprout Social can help your team build powerful relationships with your followers. request your free demo today.

The post How Sprout Social Helps Target Connect and Learn from Parents of Neurodiverse Kids appeared first on Sprout Social.

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