Business Ideas

How consistent goal setting increased my income by 100%

“People with clear, written goals accomplish more in less time than people without them could ever imagine.”
-Brian Tracy

10 years ago, I enrolled in my first coaching program tactical coachA program dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve exponential growth.

I rarely use the expression “game changer,” but this program is just that.

I plan to write future blog posts on what I’ve learned from the program and how I’ve benefited from it.

My hope is that you too will gain some valuable lessons that you can apply in your life.

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Each quarter, I spend an entire day in a classroom-like setting with other like-minded entrepreneurs, going over the material for that day.

Before we get started, let’s celebrate our “wins” for the past quarter to help us recognize everything we’ve accomplished over the past 90 days.

Trust me, as busy as I am, I sometimes forget all the victories – big or small.

The next part we talk about is what I want to focus on today.


Another part of our day focuses on revisiting/updating our 1-year, 3-year and lifetime goals, along with writing down our goals for the upcoming quarter.

Before joining Strategic Coach, I had a good habit of writing down my goals at the beginning of each year.

I thought that by publishing my goals as blog posts, I would stay committed and accomplish more.

Guess what happened?

I published another blog post shortly after publishing them. And another. And another. And another. you get the point:

I forgot about those goals and I hardly revisit them.

Now, because of my coaching program, I constantly review my goals and can clearly see what I’ve done, and what I need to do.

That discipline has yielded exponential results in my business and my personal life.

In business terms, since I started creating and revisiting my goals, my income has increased by almost 100%. What’s even more impressive is that I’ve been able to pitch my business where I focus more on the things I love to do, rather than the things I have to do.

As I said earlier: #game changer,

Below, you’ll find my most recent set of goals that I wrote about a few weeks ago. I have tried my best to be as transparent as possible, hope you get some benefit out of this.

With regard to some income goals, please note the following: I have been a financial advisor for 10 years, and am now the CEO of my own company. You can read about some of my travels Here And Here, Plus my online business has been going strong for 5 years. You can continue that journey on my wife and I’s joint blog, dollar and rose,

Ok, let’s take a look at my goals….

Quarterly Targets (This quarter ends on 25th January)

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1. Launch the Good Financial Cents Podcast – This includes ordering an intro off of and recording at least 11 episodes (4 before submitting to iTunes).

GFC Podcast
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2. Launch the redesign of Good Financial Cents, I’ve had a designer working on it since mid-July. The design is complete and now I am trying to find someone to convert the design into the new WordPress theme Genesis. You can get a sense of the color scheme of my podcast cover art above and here’s another look at my new logo:

gfc new logo
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3. [Done] put on killer talk Andcon. I left; I spoke; I conquered. You can read my wife’s recap of the incident Here,

speaking at fincon
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4. Schedule a Disney cruise with the family. This summer, we went to several conferences and took a spontaneous trip to Pittsburgh to visit one of Mandy’s blogging friends, but we never took a real family vacation. Part of the issue is that Mandy thought we could get a free cruise via a deal on her blog. That, unfortunately, was never completed, and the summer ended with a screech.

I’ve never been on a cruise. I was supposed to go on the first two, but my deployment to Iraq interfered with the first, and Mandy’s new hiring at her old job interfered with the second. Since I absolutely hate the cold, I thought it would be fun to take the family somewhere warm. I’m already ready to go!

5. Complete course for Starting last year, I started working with the tableaus on as their “CFP” contributor. They had, and have, a great community out there, but they needed an expert who was passionate about blogging. in this matter.

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We’ve decided to focus on creating a course that talks about the key principles from my book, which will be available if you sign up for his e-mail list. Getting my book and my brand in front of their audience is a huge deal.

More than that, the content I create for the course will also be offered to my readers. There’s nothing like working on a project that can be used in multiple places.

This was a goal that wasn’t originally on my radar until after attending FinCon, so it’s definitely a prime example of adjusting on the fly and going with the hot.

1-year goal

1. Gross revenue from all businesses will exceed $750,000, This will include Alliance Wealth Management, LLC and all of my online businesses. The end goal is to see if my online revenue can exceed my financial planning practice.

2. Streamlining the Duties of Alliance Wealth Management, LLC. Initiate systems and processes that allow my team to handle the workload. To do this, the following need to happen:

  • Bring on a strategic partner to become Chief Investment Officer who will meet the needs of the majority of my clients (realizing that few “one clients” will want to continue working with me). Going forward, that partner will lead any new customer relationships.
  • [Done] Hire a “Director of First Impressions” to handle all incoming and outgoing calls with clients. This person will be able to be coached by Brenta (our current shared support staff).
  • [Done] Moved Junior Consultant from salaried status to 1099 independent contractor status to handle life insurance division.
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3. [Done] Launch a podcast exclusively for Dollars and Roses. Our goal will be to do 2 podcasts per month. I’m still leaving a door open to launch the Soldier of Finance podcast to help with book marketing. (Note: I’ve decided against the Soldier of Finance podcast and will instead do The Good Financial Cents podcast. See Quarterly Goals.)

4. Release the Administrative Duties of Good Financial Cents, This includes: scheduling posts, inserting images, adding meta-tags, formatting posts, dealing with advertisers.

5. Schedule a 2 week RV trip with the family.As a kid, my mom and stepdad used to take childhood friends and I in a motor home and just drive around. We visited Northern California, Oregon, and Nevada, making some of the best memories of my life. I want my kids to have that experience. The only “must see” destination would be the Grand Canyon; Everything else would be an adventure.

3-year goal

1. Total revenue from all businesses exceeds $1 million per year, The ultimate goal is to net (after expenses) $1 million per year. I aim to have over 60% of this revenue come from my online businesses.

2. Take my role with Alliance Wealth Management, LLC as the face of operations. I will conduct review meetings and joint preliminary meetings with large clients, but most of the work will be done by my team. For this to be successful, I need to implement the plans I mentioned in my 1 year goals.

3. Content creators (and only content creators) for good financial cents and dollars and roses, Content will include writing blog posts that are meaningful to me, conducting interviews and producing videos. To allow me to focus on this, I need the following:

  • Get a full time blog editor/affiliate manager who will proofread, schedule posts, and manage all affiliate opportunities.
  • Continue to take advantage of freelance writers and VAs to automate business.

4. Entire family stay abroad for at least 3 weeks (4 favorites), My ideal country is Australia. This was really a 1 year goal, but my wife thinks that moving 3 young boys (current ages 6, 3, and 2) and living overseas will be more pain than it’s worth. At first I dismissed it, but then I remembered how our 2-year-old might be a little panicked (see picture below).

I figure/hope/pray that in 3 years, the Rose family will be ready for our first European (or Aussie!) vacation.

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Goal Setting - Crazy Son
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lifelong goals

1, The spiritual leader of my household. I want my children to see me first as a God-loving father who puts his faith before success. I want to continue to love and support my wife, and do so in a godly way.

2. Live a long and fulfilling life with your wife and family, Raise my kids with these principles: work hard, but don’t sacrifice “work” for what you love; love first; and treating people with respect (the golden rule)

3. There are many multi-system driven businesses that generate $100,000 per month of passive income.

4. Live in multiple countries (5+) for an extended period of time (minimum 3 weeks) with the entire family

5. Inspire over 1,000,000 people to invest in themselves, This can be through traditional investing (Roth IRA, 401k), obtaining a higher degree or certification, or investing in a small business. More on this goal in the coming months.

6. become a successful entrepreneur and best-selling author ofmultitasking, I want to be known as a hard worker who put my family and faith first.

What if I don’t achieve my goals?

Great question! If I don’t achieve my goals for that quarter, I don’t beat myself up over it. The most common reason for not achieving a certain goal is that something unexpected came along and took priority over the previous goal.

Sometimes, though, the goals I can’t achieve are really bad ideas, and I don’t realize it until I start working on them. I’m trying to get better at that, but the occasional bad idea still intrudes.

your goals

As a reminder, I revisit these goals each quarter and make changes accordingly. Revisiting these goals has been huge for me.

When was the last time you wrote down your goals? More importantly, when was the last time you saw them again?

free download: Want the same worksheet I used to write my goals down every quarter? Grab the My Goal Achiever Worksheet and put your goals into hyper drive. Download Free Worksheet Here,

Share your goals in the comments section below.

The post How Consistent Goal Setting Increased My Income 100% was first published on Good Financial Cents®.

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