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How NutriSense grew its social media community by over 400%

NutriSense helps people create sustainable habits by monitoring how factors such as food and exercise affect their body at a metabolic level. The health technology company – recently named as a Top 5 health and fitness website – provides its members with a platform, programs, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices and apps. The suite allows members to track and analyze their blood sugar responses in real time.

Nutrisense uses multiple social media channels—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram—to deliver content designed to educate audiences.

“We use our social media platforms primarily to amplify our mission and educate audiences on improving their metabolic health and influencers in our marketing funnel,” said Luz Cortázar, marketing manager at Nutrisense. “We want to empower people with knowledge and show them how NutriSense can help them make lifestyle changes to achieve better health.”

Nutriscience had nearly 25,000 followers on its social media profiles in July 2021, when Cortazar took over the responsibility of creating and managing the company’s social media content. Fast forward to the end of 2022: Nutrisense’s social media engagement increased by 45% and their community had expanded to over 130,000 – a 469% increase. According to Cortazar, one of the key factors in that growth has been maximizing user-generated content (UGC) with the help of Sprout Social.

“Sprout helped me see that UGC—not just photos, but videos as well—is key to generating engagement with NutriSense’s audience,” said Cortazar. “People love to see other people’s stories.”

Using Insights from Sprout to Increase UGC That Drive the Customer Journey

Cortázar said UGC is especially effective for entertaining Nutrisense’s target audience. Although his team knew the power of UGC, using Sprout Social made it easy to collect UGC, grow your potential customers, and engage existing members.

Glucose Experiment: Blueberry

Various studies also suggest that blueberries may benefit blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Would you like to see Amanda’s explanation of the @jason.wittrock experiment to learn more? Tell us in the comments!…#NutriSense #experiments #glucosetest #glucosemonitoring #metabolicbalance #चायाप्चायलचीलापन

Posted by Nutrisense on Tuesday, August 2, 2022

With Sprouts Reports, Cortazar can identify what content best resonates with Nutrisense’s audience so they can replicate the success on other channels. “I can see performance by profile, post and other metrics that help me understand how our content drives engagement and impressions,” she said.

This, in turn, allows them to collaborate more effectively with other departments such as paid media and partnerships. “Sprout helps us work together better to move people down the funnel,” Cortazar said.

“Being aware of what is working organically and what our members are sharing helps us provide insightful information with the Paid Media team.”

Cortazar offers this example to underscore how the strategic use of UGC impacts Nutrisense’s brand awareness efforts: “We started working with a partner who was using our program and gaining popularity on TikTok. was achieving He had been sharing his food experiments on his profile, so we started creating ‘explainers’. I’ll write a script, and one of our registered dietitians will explain their response to the experiment. The combination of those two formats, experiments and explainers—along with the added pressure of our paid media team—helped us add nearly 79,000 followers during the third quarter of 2022.”

The growth we’ve seen in our social media community reflects our team’s investment in content creation – and how the insights we’re getting from Sprout are paying off.

luz cortazar

social media marketing manager

Finding more time for content creation thanks to Sprout’s time-saving features

The exponential growth of Nutrisense’s social media community is a result that Cortazar didn’t necessarily expect when she first started using Sprout. He also emphasized that for Nutriscience, having an engaged community is more important than boosting followers on a large scale.

“As a content creator, it’s engagement that matters,” she said. “If someone interacts with your content – ​​liking it, commenting on it, saving it or sharing it – then you have done something good.”

What Cortazar initially wanted from Sprout was a community management tool that would help save her time so she could focus more on what she loves most – creating content, specifically videos. But Cortazar said what really sealed it for him when choosing Sprout was the Smart Inbox.

“We can monitor everything in one place—comments from Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, organic. It’s a game changer,” He said. And because Sprout has made community management so easy, Cortazar has delegated that responsibility to Nutrisense’s customer success team, so she can now devote about 70% of her average workday to content creation and the rest to strategy.

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A sustainable social strategy starts with smart insights

With Sprout, the NutriSense team can prioritize the work that matters most to their business and members.

Learn how Sprout Social can help you better serve your target audience by upgrading your community management and increasing collaboration across your teams. Request your free demo today.

We’re a data-driven team, so the reports I can get from Sprout help me understand what content performs better. This helps me plan, strategize, and see what moves the needle through the funnel—which is important on platforms that constantly change their behavior. Sprouts Reports is my best ally. This is the tool I value the most.

luz cortazar

social media marketing manager

The post How Nutrisense grew its social media community by over 400% appeared first on Sprout Social.

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