Beginner Guide

[Worksheet] A LinkedIn Strategy Template Built to Expand Your Impact

​​LinkedIn has long stood out as the world’s largest online professional network and mecca of B2B marketing. However, Linkedin has become so much more.

LinkedIn has grown into a hub of compelling content and thought leadership. And it continues to adopt new features for marketers to leverage it for business—from AI tools to interactive content types to accessibility features and more.

As LinkedIn evolves to meet the needs of employers, employees, job-seekers, buyers and investors alike, so should your brand’s LinkedIn strategy. This LinkedIn strategy template worksheet will help social media leaders think through how to use the platform for business beyond posting job openings and company news.

To reevaluate how to use LinkedIn to support marketing, sales and employer brand efforts, use the LinkedIn strategy template to:

  • Map your current LinkedIn strategy to your business goals
  • Understand how different content types and themes fit into your strategy
  • Ensure your business Page is up to date
  • Identify challenges that impact your approach to LinkedIn
  • Brainstorm how employees across the organization can bolster your strategy

After completing this worksheet, you’ll receive a score that aligns with actionable recommendations for how you can build your brand, diversify your strategy, leverage employee networks and make the most of your LinkedIn strategy. Download the LinkedIn strategy template now to get more out of the platform for your team, and beyond.

The post [Worksheet] A LinkedIn Strategy Template Built to Expand Your Impact appeared first on Sprout Social.

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